[football fun times with Godsway, Shalome, and Mode!]
[funny faces :)]
[the boys finishing their game]
Later in the morning, I was at the pool swimming shortened laps because someone was shooting a commercial [which they call an advert, instead of an ad] in the shallow end. Within 5 minutes, one of the guys came over and asked if I'd be in it. Thinking they were going to have me swim, I said sure. He led me to a chair next to another girl. Hah. Nevermind. Why would I even think they'd want to make a little diversity on the blocks by adding a girl? After all, as someone reminded me later in the day, "This is Africa. You're in Africa," when I made not that big of a deal out of being told not to step on the rope attached to a fishing net, "You might trip." Because I can't catch myself? or "You think you can climb to the top of the Falls?" Yep. Pretty sure I can. I'm a big girl. Though I may not be physically capable of lifting the same amount as a guy, there are plenty of things I can handle just as well as a guy, if not better. But then again, "This is Africa," and everyone's mentality isn't like that. At all.
The director continued, "You two are going to look at this fat guy over here and talk about how he can't race against these other fit guys." The ad was for a non-alcoholic malt drink called Vicco, the idea being Vicco can make you accomplish the impossible. The other girl was really nice and is going to be on the swim team next semester. I told her, "Great! The guys are really nice, but they need some more girls!!" The director finally told us we were done and we both got up and ran off to the pool. It was so hot, as in my thigh got burned. Just another day in Ghana.
So, when you're watching the next advert for Vicco and you see the oburoni in orange talking to the girl in purple, that's me. :D
After this, I rushed back to ISH having left the pool when we were supposed to leave for Kokrobite. I ended up staying with 9 others from ISH. It was a lot fun being with such a large group! We all stayed in one house, struggled with the amount of sand that got tracked in, and toughed it out on the second floor after realizing the light wasn't going to work at all. But we had a shower with fantastic water pressure and a toilet, so everything was okay!
I've never felt deprived of the ocean in my life. Living in a landlocked state, we rarely go to the beach, or the lake for that matter. I love swimming and going to the pool, but not being at the beach has never been a huge deal. Every time I've gone to the beach in Ghana I've felt like, just for a moment, things have come together.
Kokrobite is much more of a tourist place and is louder than Ada. Initially, this bothered me, but after wading out as far as I wanted, about half way to the boats anchored in the water, I fell in love with the dull roar of everything going on. The ocean was much calmer here than at Ada. I was actually disappointed with how gentle the waves were at first, mostly because they didn't have enough push for me to body surf. poop.
I made a friend! After talking to John for a bit, I learned that he's working in Ghana for a company that makes beer out of cassava, not the traditional barley and hops. [Dad, you'd probably think this is super cool!] Of course, I don't remember the name of it; might have to ask. We didn't even make it out of the water before John's shoulder gave out, the result/side effect of previous injuries, and I had the joy of getting him back to shore. Granted, afterwards he told me,"It was really painful when you were pulling me out." "Yeah, I bet, glad we got you back." "Well, not just that...it was the left one that was the problem this time." [His right shoulder had a massive band-aid on it, so, obviously, I'd figured, "Avoid the bandaged shoulder."] "So, I grabbed the one that dislocated?!" oops.
That night, we all ate at an Italian restaurant just down the road. The pizza was pretty great, mostly because I hadn't had decently made pizza in so long, but was honestly a bit bland.
In the morning, I went for a run that turned into more of a walk because it was already getting hot and there were so many fishermen pulling in their nets to look at and watch! Between the beach and the fence that enclosed the area we stayed in are a bunch of stalls selling to the more than willing tourists. I got a dress [that was already at 7 cedis, which is crazy low!] and wall hanging that I'm so so pleased with!
Definitely a good weekend. Tonight was my LAST Twi class! Friday is the first half of my French final/last French class. Just under 4 weeks left, and I'm not ready to go.
Just not yet. Not at all.
[window shot!]
[there was an eclipse a week ago Sunday: with special sunglasses]
[without fancy sunglasses]
[balcony view]
[sometimes the trotros are rusted through. and you can see the sun. through the floor.]