Monday, August 26, 2013

Tetteh Quarshie Cocoa Farm & Center for Research into Plant Medicine

Friday, a bunch of us went to the Tetteh Quarshie Cocoa Farm, the first cocoa farm in Ghana.  Before Tetteh Quarshie there wasn’t any cocoa in Ghana.  He spent time in the Seychelles (I think) and recognized the money to be made off of cocoa.  Because smuggling/importing was illegal, he swallowed the cocoa bean to get it across the border and expelled it after arriving.  He began the first farm in Ghana and cocoa become a major cash crop and export for the country.  Now, the farm is about 3 hectares and only produces about 5 bags of beans each year.  The farm still has two of the original trees from the first year Tetteh planted!   Quite cool.  I expected the trees would be much larger, but my roommate explained that cocoa trees take a long time to grow and are easily infected. Across from the farm (so turn 180 degrees in the first picture) was a school, church, and some homes.  When we were taking pictures, a bunch of kids started coming out and took pictures with us! :)

Afterwards, we drove to the Center for Research into Plant Medicine and toured the facility.  They only produce natural medicines/remedies.  People can grow their own and bring it in for quality testing and then sell it under the Center’s name.  The products are very cheap.  About 2 cedis for a bottle. Quite good.  They have ~1,000 specimens in the herbarium/library, most, if not all, of which can be gathered in the jungle behind the facility.  Normally, groups can go in and see a little bit, but it had just rained and it wasn’t safe enough “unless you want to see snakes.  Then I can show you anacondas,” he said.  Most of the group was decided they were good.  I wanted to go in.  I mean, how often can you see snakes outside of a cage and not be completely terrified? 

It was really overcast and gorgeous on the drive up.  As we drove up the hill, there were some beautiful and incredibly nice homes.  Interesting to see how close together the poorer homes and crazy huge ones are.  Of course the pictures don't do the views justice. At all. 

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